Book-keeping & Accounting Services
Outsourcing this critical financial function allows you to manage your business better and meet statutory and legal deadlines.
By the end of periodical services, we will generate necessary management report for your approval.
Under section 199 of the Companies Act, directors are to ensure that the company keeps proper accounting and other records to sufficiently explain the transactions and financial position of the company.
Directors are also required to present at AGM, the company’s accounts that comply with the requirements of the Accounting Standards and which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company to its shareholders.
We offer a complete suite of accounting and tax services which allows you to meet statutory requirements imposed by ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) and IRAS (Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore).
Additionally, proper accounts maintenance will help you understand the financial health of your business/company and to manage it more effectively.
It is costly and challenging to employ and retain experienced accounting/book-keeping staff. Furthermore, the implementation and maintenance of accounting technology and training of staff to use the applications and be updated on changes in compliance, accounting standards, CPF or labour law is also a constant challenge.
DP SME Advisory has optimised our operational process through technology and we are able to deliver accounting service efficiently and at an affordable fee for you.
Book-keeping is the recording of financial transactions. Accounting is responsible for interpreting, classifying, analysing, reporting, and summarising the financial data.
Both services are essential for statutory reporting for a company or business in Singapore.
Outsourcing your accounting and book-keeping needs will help you manage your payroll much better over time. If your business currently does not require a full-time professional, this may be the best way to manage your costs as well as have professionals to deliver the service to you with confidence.
There is always an opportunity to scale your needs as your business grows as well. Additionally, your outsourced partner can provide you with the latest changes as such statutory requirements do change from time to time.
Simply put, having the right outsourced partner for your accounting and book-keeping needs can deliver the following benefits:
If you still require assistance, we are here to help and answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.